So, as you know I am extremely new to blogging. I see where alot of bloggers do a Tuesday Top 10. So i have decided to one on my favorite TV show series. Also, me and my friends like to assign characters in a show in our group. Therefore, I will be telling who I am in most of the shows.
Here they are in no particular order:
1.Greys Anatomy: McDreamy, McSteamy, and Jackson Avery make the show worth watching on its own. I am on season 10 now and I really am impressed with that many seasons they still keep the story line interesting.
2. Scandal: I just started watching this show on Netflix. Finished all 3 seasons on there. LOVE IT! I hate all things politics but this makes it kind of fun to see what snakes they are behind the scenes. I would love to say I am Olivia Pope but lets be honest is there really another Olivia Pope out there?
3.One Tree Hill: I have watched this series probably 2 or 3 times. Its amazing. Everything about it. In this series, I am Haley. This is why a friend told me I was Haley "haley is FUNNY. but she is also super caring. she gets along with just about everyone & if you mess with her people she will hurt you." So, I like that description because it obviously makes me seem awesome.
4.Gossip Girl: I have watched this series once, but think I am about to rewatch. I love S&B. Sometimes, I feel like I am Serena (with ALOT less money)
5.Pretty Little Liars: This is show is so creepy and cool. I love the characters, especially Hannah. That is me in the series btw. This show is one that I have dedicated Tuesday nights to with me, a TV, and my friends. We always get together and watch it. I think because we all fit in the roles so well.
6. Sex and the City: What girl doesn't love SATC?! I mean c'mon it has the perfect amount of sex, alcohol, friends, men, and life lessons. My ultimate wish list Christmas present is the complete set of the series. If you haven't seen what it looks like, Google it. Its beautiful! I am the Samantha of the show. :)
btw- They have a show on Netflix "The Carrie Diaries" its about Carrie as a teenager and if you are a SATC fan I think you will love this show too.
7.Laguna Beach: Why? because everyone loves LC. I cant tell you how many times I have watched this series. I wish it was on Netflix. Plus, I have been told a couple of times I resemble Lo. That's probably just because both of our eyes are too close together tho, not because I am actually that pretty. LOL
8.90210: the new updated one, not the one from the 90's. The show is so glamorous but has all your typical teenage drama. Naomi is hands down my favorite character. All of the other girls get on my nerves at some point for an extended amount of time. Also, literally every character on the show is gorgeous. I wish I was a Naomi, but I am probably more like an Annie.
9. Friday Night Lights: I think the reason I liked this series so much is because it is based on small town living, where everyone's life is about one sport. That is the environment I grew up in, small town, everyone played/cheered/supported one sport.
10. Greek: I honestly do not know why I love this show so much. It is very simple, not a whole lot of drama or story to it. However, I find myself re watching episodes frequently. Even stranger, I was not involved in Greek life in college. I would consider myself to be either Ashleigh or Rebecca Logan, and yes I know they are complete opposites.
Honorable Mention: I would like to mention the show Hellcats. I LOVED this show, it was another I took time out to watch with my friends every week. It would have made it on to the list had it had more than one season. If you have never watched it, you should check it out.