Wednesday, November 19, 2014

small rant.

Dependent. I hate that word, I hate being dependent on other people. Well unless its my family of course. However, this morning I am extremely dependent on anyone but my family.

My car broke yesterday. I have no idea what is wrong with it all I know is that it won't start. I live in town 100 miles away from all family, I have no boyfriend, and I do not have any male or female friends that really know anything about cars. The guy I am "talking" to seems a logical answer for help, right? Nope, knows less about cars than me, cool.  I mean I am in a college town. No one at college really knows anything besides go to class, call mom or dad for help.

I am legit looking into taking auto mechanics classes online or something just so I know  a little about cars.

So my questions is.... If everyone of us has grown up in a world were pretty much everyone drives a vehicle, why are we not taught more about them? Has learning things from your dad, that he learned from his dad really stopped or did our dads stop learning. How do I know so  many males that do not know anything about cars? I hate to place this all on males, because I would love to know stuff about cars as well.

Anyways, the past two days and probably the rest of the week I will be alternating between coworkers to see if anyone can give me a ride to and from work. :/

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