Tuesday, February 17, 2015

post Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is over and I hope everyone truly enjoyed their day. I did just as I said I was going to but let me just tell you about my weekend in order. Btw, I have one single girlfriend and that's who I spent my entire weekend with. 

Friday, I met two of my close girlfriends for margaritas. Side note: Margs are not my drink of choice but I'm slowly starting to like them. They're just so fun to drink with girlfriends. We went to this fun little Mexican restaurant and got drunk on margs and laughs. Then, me and one of the girls continued our Friday night ritual of going to these guys apartment and hanging out and drinking. We end up staying the night there. 

Saturday, I had to work early in the morning. Barely make it there in time because I stayed out of town. I wore the same clothes to work I wore out that night. Yes, I was that girl. 

Saturday night, I had a wonderful valentines evening. I hung out with my closest single girlfriend. We watched the movie, If I Stay. Great movie, tear jerker, probably not the best pick for Vday but whatevs. Then, I made chocolate covered strawberries and got the wine out. We drank a bottle of Stella Rosa Peach and hot tubbed. Side Note: Stella Rosa is the best wine there is. 

We finished up our weekend Sunday at the horse races. We lost on every race we bet on but we drank a little beer and had a great time with the friends we hung out with on Friday. After the horse races we went to dinner and a movie. 

It was such a wonderful, fun, relaxing, exciting weekend. I didn't once think about how lonely or sad I was. I relished in all the love I had for myself and the people around me. 

Super Plus: an ice storm hit and I didn't have to work Monday or today :) 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

valentines day.

Well it has come the time for all people in a relationship to be super mushy and super in love while all the single people are super bitter.

This blog is to help single people not be bitter and to not be this guy.

I have been single the last 3 or 4 Valentines days but who is keeping track. It has taken me a LONG time to be okay with V-day and this is the first year I actually am. Normally by this time, I am all in my feelings, crying, and thinking to myself no one will ever love me. I am also pretty angry at my friends who have significant others. How stupid of a holiday where all you do is order flowers or buy chocolates. Why do people even celebrate it? What is the point?

This year I have decided that is just silly behavior. I don't know if it's because I have matured or if I am just numb to V-day. LOL. However, I have decided for us single girls out there this is not a time to be sad. We should be happy for all of our friends. It brings your friends down if you are negative /bitter towards v-day because then they feel like they can't share their happiness with you.

SO, this Valentines Day make it be all about you. Plan a night alone or with other single girlfriends and completely treat yourself. Go get a pedicure and manicure, by yourself chocolates and ice cream, rent a movie, order take in, go out with your girls to eat or to a club. Valentines is about love and that doesn't always have to be love with a significant other. Spend this valentines loving yourself or spending time sharing love with your girlfriends.

If you do this, then when your friends in a relationship try sharing there plans you won't be bitter. You will be excited because you will also get to share the big fun night you will have as well.